
Low Voltage Switchboard Manufacturers


Modulec Engineering - About Us

Modulec’s 30-year record of reliable service did not just happen by chance. We’re small enough to care, and big enough to handle solutions for large projects.


The key to our endurance: we do more than just sell switchboards. We help you get the best fi t for your application. Clients come to us early in their project, when the design is still a rough sketch. We bring our expertise to the table and refine the design with you. If we see a problem, we’ll let you know. We catch the small errors that can derail a project down the line.

Our expertise gives you confidence that your design and quote are accurate and cover all the essentials. We can liaise with the supply authorities and engineer a solution so you can be confident that your project will be approved, and you’ll get power to your site.


Our commitment to quality extends right throughout our operations. We don’t cut corners with your components. False savings up front only cause major costs later in the project, when the switchboard fails inspection, or when components fail years too early. When you choose Modulec, your components will be sourced from trusted suppliers.

We have rigorous quality controls in place. External auditors verify all our systems meet AS/NZ ISO 9001. Rigorous checkpoints are in place from when your order first arrives to the moment your switchboard is shipped to your site.


With this level of integrity and unmatched expertise on call, your project will run more smoothly. On time. On budget.

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